🔑Key Points

  1. The PizzaX/BNB/DAI in the PizzaX Pools is a locked reward pool. This means that the initial PizzaX/BNB/DAI amount deposited by users is locked in the smart contract indefinitely. However, users can gradually recover that amount (or even more) over time by harvesting their rewards for the lifetime.

  2. The average daily return is 10-15% (up to 15%), and it depends upon various factors like Eat habits, TVL fluctuation and deposits.

  3. For the Best PizzaX Recipe The project recommends following a 6:1 rule, meaning you compound your earnings for six days and then take one day to withdraw and enjoy your profits. By following this method, you can compound your investment and potentially recover your initial investment within 1-2 weeks.

  4. Users can compound as many times in a day as they wish. There are no restrictions. However, they need to pay the network fee every time they Re-compound

  5. 5) The project uses an anti-whale mechanism.

Last updated